Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reducing the Cost of HealthCare--Electronic Medical Records

It is certainly logical that we would progress towards almost entirely electronic records in this digital age. They provide cost savings in that they take up no space and have great ease of access. They can also be used to study broad medical trends more easily, reducing the cost of large scale research. Many people do have a vested interest in seeing the change to electronic Records. With the government dumping 18 billion dollars in stimulus money to aid the transition and the expectation that billions more will be needed companies who proved this service, like Dell, IBM and GE(as mentioned in the New York Times article), stand to profit tremendously. Although many have a vested financial interest in seeing the change, the fact that large profit driven medical groups like Kaiser Permanente have already successfully made the switch proves that the upfront costs of purchasing this readily available technology are easily outweighed in the long run.



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